Friday, July 30, 2010

I'm A Quitter!!! :)

I have some news for any of you out in Blogland that happen upon my brief blog here...  :)

After much debate, soul-searching and discussions with my hubby and family, I've decided to discontinue my affiliation with CTMH and stop teaching classes at Hobby Lobby. It's been a REALLY tough decision, but I want to share with you the reasons I've made it (in case you care!!! hee, hee)...

First, my husband's career, which is what supports my family (and my VERY EXPENSIVE hobby!) is very demanding of his time.. Long commutes and meetings mean long work days, which makes it more difficult to have the time to prep and teach classes.

Secondly, my kiddos are still young and at home and I feel that I need to focus on them while I still have the opportunity to do so. They'll be grown up before I know it!

Thirdly, I've got some other commitments that, combined with teaching, have me feeling a little "overwhelmed". :) For my "sanity" I need to lighten my load a bit!!

And lastly, I've been looking at scrapbooking as more of an obligation lately, rather than my "passion" like it used to be... I want to turn my "hobby" back into my hobby, and enjoy every minute of it!

Soooooo, that's what led to my decision to give up teaching classes and selling CTMH. Though I LOVE LOVE LOVE Close To My Heart products and will continue to order them, I'm just not a good salesperson (I admit it!). I want to focus more on the hobby aspect of scrapbooking and papercrafting, and interacting with my fellow scrappers, more than having a "business".

Now that you know what led me to this decision, I hope you'll understand and still be my scrappin' friends!!! I REALLY hope to see you all at the local crops/classes, where I get to be a participant now!!! Thank you soooooo much for your support over the past 10 months...

Please check out my family and scrapbooking "hobby" blog, Organized Chaos to see what I've been up to lately!  :)